Information security issues usually start to worry entrepreneurs when they find out that their customer base is being traded on the darknet forums. Or that competitors have been reading their e-mails for six months and outbidding prices in bids, or taking customers away from under their noses. That is too late. Therefore, we not only recommend taking such issues seriously, but also provide a number of services to help in them.
Now the main approach to the problem is considered to be the "castle concept" or multilayer protection. It is based on the axiom that there are no absolutely secure systems, everything can be hacked. But we are able to detect the most likely directions that would be of interest to potential attackers. After that, make sure that a possible attack is lengthened in time as much as possible, as well as create an alarm system that will allow timely detection of an attempt on the protected system.
Just like a medieval castle (hence the name): a moat to complicate the siege of the walls, high towers with sentinels to notice the approach of the enemy in time, etc. Simplifying the above: you need to know where the vulnerabilities of your business are and take measures to protect them. You know better what information in your case is a trade secret.
• Security audit, or red teaming: our specialists will carry out a simulation of an attack on your organization, which will reveal its weak points. Which of the employees has spilled confidential data to a stranger, which e-mail boxes are easy for strangers to read, it may even turn out that a schoolboy with a laptop will reach your 1C base. All this, of course, is carried out with your consent and with the signing of documents obliging us not to disclose the information received, inform you about all the vulnerabilities found and take measures to eliminate them. • Information security training for employees: a person is always the most vulnerable point of any system. Someone can have an arbitrarily complex 20-digit password, but if he or she is used to using it everywhere, or thoughtlessly follows links, that person's data will certainly be compromised. A typical office worker goes through a lot of things every day that could put a company at risk if a hacker or a whole team of hackers works to steal its secrets. Therefore, it is important to educate employees about the rules that make a possible attack significantly less successful. • Development of an individual data protection strategy: each organization, like each person, is unique in its own way. It is very important to develop a set of rules, security measures and technical means in order to protect her data and secrets. We can develop a turnkey security system that is right for you. • Information Security Consulting